Sign up
- Sign up to get instant access and create your digital business card in few simple steps.
- Fill in your information and log in to your account.

Login To Your Dashboard
- When you log in to your account you will be directed to your dashboard.
- Click on the “Company Profile” on the left side menu to add your company contact information and create a company-branded template for your business cards.

Add Your Company Information
- On a “Company” page feel in your company information, like company phone number, address and social media, that will be visible on business cards of all your team members.
- You can also add a description of your company or your services which will be visible on the back of your RoloNext card.
- The contact person who is creating an account will be an administrator of the company account.

Create Your Custom Company Template
- Add Keywords so that other users can find your card in the App by the keywords.
- Upload your company logo by selecting file or drag file to the “Company Logo” bar.
- Upload the background image that will be set as background of your RoloNext card.
- Select a text color for on the card.

Your Account Is Ready!
- After you fill in your company contact details and social media, add a company logo and background of the card, click the “Save” button and your account is ready!
- Follow the next steps to add your team and activate their cards.

Create Cards For Your Team Members
- Once you have created your company profile, you can add your team (Users) to the RoloNext.
- Go to your Dashboard and click on “User Profile” on the left side menu.

Add Your Team
- On the “Company Users” page, select the “Add User” button on the right side top corner.

Adding Single User
- On the “Users” page, fill in contact information of the user and click the “Next” button.
- You can add the photo of the user on this page or the user can add their photo in the App themselves.

Add Multiple Users
- On the “Company Users” page, select “More Options” button on the right top corner and then select the “Import” option.

Importing Contact Information From Excel File
- Select “Select CSV file to upload” button and after selecting your file, click the “Import” button.
- Please make sure your file contains the following headings:

Activating User's Accounts
- After your file is imported and accounts for your team are created, click on “Send Verification Email” so then each user can verify their email address.
- When your team members verify their email adresses, they can set their own password, download the RoloNext App and login to the App with their email address that you added in their “User Profile” and their password.
- Click on the “Eye” icon to view the card of the user.
- Click on the “Pencil” icon to amend information on the card of the user.
- Click on the “delete” icon to delete the user.

Design your card on the next few screens then login on your smartphone to share it.