Available on Android & iOS
For Phone, Tablet, and iPad
For Phone & Tablet
For iPhone & iPad
Sign up and instantly create your RoloNext card
Sign up and instantly create your RoloNext card in our mobile app. Use your LinkedIn account or your email address to create an account. You will be able to use your card immediately.

Share Your RoloNext Card With QR code
The recipient can scan your QR code from mobile camera or the app to instantly view your card and add your contact details to their list. The recipient doesn’t need to have RoloNext app installed and can just use a phone camera to scan your QR code and immediately receive a link to your RoloNext card. All information on your card can be saved directly into phone address book. It is also possible to scan QR code from the App and your card will be automatically added to the contact list in the RoloNext App.
Share your RoloNext card with people who don’t have the app
Share your RoloNext card with people who don’t have the App. They can save your complete contact information, including your photo, social media and your company description directly into their address book in one click. To share your card, click the Share Icon on the card and choose the medium through which you would like to share it. The receiver can open your card in the browser and save all your information directly to address book on the phone or computer or open your card in the RoloNext App and save your card to contacts in the App.

Share your RoloNext card with other users
Share your RoloNext card with multiple users in one click

Save contacts to your phone address book